For a Closer Look at Chronic Constipation
Start With
Your Non-Invasive First Step to Investigating Colonic Motility
The Preferred Colonic Transit Time Test
Uncover Gastrointestinal Insights in Three Steps
SITZMARKS allows you to get the information you need to identify potential physiological causes of constipation and determine your course of action. It just takes three simple steps.
When your patient has chronic constipation, determining the next steps quickly is key. Start with SITZMARKS, a non-invasive diagnostic test designed to provide insight into your patient’s colonic transit and aid in the diagnosis of conditions like colonic inertia, blockage, chronic constipation, and other motility disorders.
SITZMARKS is indicated for patients with severe constipation with otherwise negative GI evaluations, and it’s easy for you and your patient.
The process starts with a prescription for the SITZMARKS test.
On day one, your patient takes a capsule filled with 24 small radiopaque rings that will disperse throughout their digestive tract. Throughout the next four days, the patient can continue their normal daily routine without disruptions.
On day five, the patient undergoes an X-ray showing the progression of the 24 radiopaque markers throughout their colon, giving you a clear view of their colonic transit and helping to identify outlet obstruction, hypomotility, or other bowel disorders as the possible cause of their chronic constipation.
Connect With Us
Connect with our team at upcoming events and discover how SITZMARKS can help you investigate colonic motility.
July 26-28, 2024
Marriott Baltimore Waterfront
Dr. Patel MD, MPH
The Sitzmarks Study is extremely important in the field of Gastroenterology especially when it comes down to figuring out the type and the cause of constipation. It's a non-invasive way to really determine if there's an outlet blockage, causing constipation or if the bowels are just really slow. I absolutely have loved how easy the study is to complete for patients and how easy it is to interpret for doctors. "