Why Choose
A SITZMARKS® study is a cost-effective, non-invasive option for investigating colonic motility in patients with chronic constipation and otherwise negative GI evaluations. This colonic transit time test gives you diagnostic insights to identify potential physiological causes of a patient’s chronic constipation by detecting conditions such as colonic inertia, hypomotility, outlet obstruction, and other bowel disorders, and determine the next steps for your patient, whether that’s further testing or tailored treatment.

SITZMARKS capsules have been in use for over three decades. It is a time-tested, reliable approach to evaluate colonic transit time.

The SITZMARKS test consists of only 3 simple steps. First, you prescribe the test to your patient. Then, the patient takes a capsule on day 1. On day 5, the patient undergoes an X-ray to reveal the path of radiopaque rings in their colon.
Easy for You and Your Patients

Our colonic transit time test is non-invasive and minimally disruptive to your patient’s daily routine, while still allowing you to gain valuable insight to guide your diagnostic process.

Your First Step to Identify Physiological Causes
SITZMARKS provides a clear snapshot of your patient’s colonic transit, aiding you in identifying or ruling out physiological causes for chronic constipation, such as:
Outlet obstruction
Colonic inertia
Other bowel disorders